The Cubs badge requirements for the Communicator badge as of February 2021 are below:
- Get someone to give you directions or instructions to do something.Check that you have understood. Then follow the directions or instructions.
- Get someone you know to give you a call.Write down what they say, making sure that you have all the main details.
- Show you can send emails and text messages.You could also show how to use a mobile phone or a tablet to send a message to someone.
- Introduce yourself to an adult who helps out with your Pack.Talk to them for two minutes about your life, school or hobbies.
- Choose three of these activities to do:
- Report on a local event, either past or present. It could be written for something like a newsletter or recorded so people can listen to it.
- Make contact with another Pack. Send them videos, letters or emails for whatever length of time your leader suggests.
- Find out how people with a visual or hearing impairment communicate. You might learn about Braille, Makaton or British Sign Language. Learn a simple phrase in one of the ways you have learned.
- Tell a story about an experience you’ve shared with your leaders and other Cubs. Make sure that you communicate clearly and that everyone is following the story.
- Hold a simple conversation in another language.
- Write three simple messages using codes, ciphers, invisible ink or semaphore. Try to work out three similar messages given to you.
- Get an adult or Young Leader to give you a message. Remember it and repeat it back to them 10 minutes later.
- Pass a message to someone using amateur radio.
- Take part in Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) or Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI).
You will find some resources to help you on the downloads page.
- You can buy cheap PMR 446 (Walkie Talkies) from lots of online websites. Please make sure they use PMR446 as you may need a license to operate outside of the frequencies.
- Story telling can be done at a camp around the fire. It is a good way to calm the Cubs down before bed.
- Get in touch with your local amateur radio group to arrange a visit and allow the Cubs to communicate over the air with other amateurs.
- You can join the Radio Scouting UK Facebook group and arrange a schedule to talk to other groups over the air.