With Scouting in the England to return back to Amber within the next few weeks on the 29th of March 2021 (As of 16/03/2021) It will allow Groups and Radio Amateurs to look at blowing off the dust on their portable radios and setting up a HF station at their Scout hut or trusty competition spot. The exciting new is that there is an exciting opportunity for everyone coming up in the form of a World Scout contest.
The CQ World Scout HF Contest is an event hosted by the Radio Scouts of Brazil team. It is run every year all over the world and is slowly gaining a larger following of radio amateurs.
The CQWS will run on the normal 2nd full weekend of the month of April. The times are 1600UTC on Saturday 10th April until 1600 UTC on Sunday 11th April.
The CQWS is a contest created by Scouts, for Scouts and radio amateurs from Brazil and around the world. They have provisions available to be able to use contest logging software N1MM+ which can be downloaded from the RadioEscotismo Website here. Importing the .rar file from their website will allow easy compliation of your contacts over the 24 hour period the competition is running. There will be Scouts from all over the world taking part in the designated Scout HF Frequencies as well as other parts of the HF Band. If you are unsure you can see the list of HF Scout frequencies here.
There is also an option for those without a license to join in. By taking part in the SWL competition using either HF receivers or online SDR radios. You can use any WebSDR by visiting this site here or here. You do not need to have a license in order to listen and take part. All you will need is an internet connection and a computer/tablet/mobile. The rules are listed below.

Hi There,
Is this contest still on schedule??
One of the exchange 9M4WSB, where is located? if Malaysia, then the callsign is no longer valid.
hope to receive your reply soon.
Thank you
Hi All information can be found on the website: https://www.radioescotismo.com.br/
As it so happens, during the same weekend the BSA (Boy Scouts of America) are organizing an international Camporee on the beaches of Normandy, France. Our Dutch Radio Scouting Fellowship will support this event with a HAM Radio station, to be operational on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April. An overlap with the CQWS event.
Feel free to have a long chat on the airwaves with our station TM22OMAH, which crew members consist of PD1EHO (Evelyn), PD2GWE (Guido), PE2PVD (Patrick) and PA3EFR (Erwin). Locally other operators might turn up at the door steps of the D-Day Museum Omaha Beach.
Apart from HF voice QSO’s we are equipped to run C4FM YSF (CH-JOTA), DMR (TG JOTA), and Echolink (PA3EFR).
SWL will also be confirmed.
Our guestbook can be found on http://www.pa3efr.nl/index.php/camporee-2022/camporee-2022-guestbook.
Looking forward to any possible contact.
Erwin, PA3EFR, Station Manager TM22OMAH